• An interactive virtual reality story for pc and oculus

    An interactive story for pc & oculus rift (playable with the DK2). - Navigating by looking at certain keypoints in view - proximity soundtracks - immersive locations more soon!

  • creating an anatomic stock photo

    As part of the dental e-learning project, a rough 3k high quality stock photos have been taken over the two years. This image represents the steps taken before a photo is ready to be implemented

  • PIAD April | “We demand fresh milk”

    Project in a day – April Shorts scene in which a UFO abducts a cow. They render is a look & feel shot of the scene after post production The movie is a tracking rendertest

  • Green Screen Studio Template v0.1

    working on a studio template for green screen recording purposes. Current image is rendered with mental ray without any settings tinkering. When I have more time, this week, I will focus on daylight interior lightning,

  • Project in a Day | August 2011 | Black Whole S.P.

    Another fictional ad for the Space Photography Agency 'Black Whole'. I got the glass crack from cgtextures, but all the rest is from scratch without using or looking at any reference. I had a hard

  • Gateways | mobile AR game[play] preview

    -- Click on the image to view a HD version | virtuater | TINACG (c) 2010 -- -- Click video below to watch intercepted AR test footage from gateways labs. --

  • Gateways | an augmented reality game concept

    In collaboration with Jelte from “This is not a game company” games, we are working on a concept for a mobile augmented reality game [MARG]. We can’t give you much details yet but a teaser

  • Into The Depth Of Possibilities

    Märklin neue Artikel Another [Project in a Day] project in early April. The goal was to think of an awkward Märklin add cialis generique pas cher. (Märklin is a german miniature train brand). I had

  • Augmented Reality Game for Iphone – Blitz

    Blitz — for iphone and google android I’m working on a concept for an AR game. It will be a mixture of scorched Vs tower defense. You can play the game through your mobile phone